Archive - January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020

High School Fall Athletics Activities Virtual Meeting - 9/22, 6pm

September 21, 2020

Virtual informational meeting for high school students and families regarding fall athletic activities on Tuesday, Sept 22 at 6pm.
Zoom link -

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Quick Updates: Students and Families

September 16, 2020

Please review our Quick Updates for Students and Families for information on the updated health screener, attendance, technology, and other important information.

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RSU 9 Board of Directors Meeting

September 11, 2020


Zoom link -

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9/8/20 - Board of Directors Meeting

September 8, 2020


Zoom link -

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MBHS Return to School Letter - 9/6/20

September 7, 2020

Please see the attached letter for updated information and details related to our return to Mt. Blue High School. We all look forward to seeing students on campus and remotely next week!

MBHS Return to School Letter - Sep. 6, 2020

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Scheduled School Hours - Clarification (9/6/20)

September 4, 2020

All of us at RSU 9 are excited to welcome students back to school next week. 

Grades 6 - 12: Arrival from 7:45 to 8:15; school starts at 8:15; dismissal varies between 2:02 and 2:15 - refer to notice from your school.

Remote Learners 6-12 will follow the in person schedule remotely. Students please check your email and/or google classroom for specific teacher directions.

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2020-21 Bus Schedule Now Available

September 1, 2020

The 2020-21 bus schedule is available to view or download on the Transportation and Facilities webpage.

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RSU 9 Staff Recognized for Longevity

August 30, 2020

Congratulations and a very deserving thank you to RSU 9 employees who were recognized during Opening Day Activities for their longevity and dedication to serving the students attending our schools.

Employees with 35 years of service, presented with handblown glass apples made by MBHS alumni Matt Frost of Frost Glassworks were: Joyce Smiley; Gary Farrington; and Timmothy Browning.

Employees with…

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RSU 9 Community notice from Superintendent Tina Meserve

August 27, 2020

Please see the attached notice from Superintendent Meserve regard COVID-19.

RSU 9 Community Letter - Aug 26, 2020

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Back to school message from Principal Monique Poulin

August 27, 2020

Please see the attached back to school letter for students at Mt. Blue High School.
We look forward to seeing our students soon!

Back to School Letter - Aug 26, 2020

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