Staff Resources:
- Employee Resource Guide - Updates Coming Soon!
- Affirmative Action Officer -Katherine Duchesne
Staff Attendance:
- Attendance on Demand Login
PreK-8 Substitute Request Form - You MUST be signed in to your school email account to request a sub - Please see the K-8 Substitute Call-in Procedure document for more information.
Useful Links:
- PowerSchool FAQ - remember this is getting updated daily, so check often if you are having questions!
- Ticketing System - Submit Technology & Central Office Tickets
- PowerSchool Talent Portals - Employee Records, Applicant Tracking, Professional Learning
- PowerSchool Admin - PowerSchool for administrators and secretaries
- PowerTeacher -PowerSchool access for teachers
- Donors Choose - Request donations for your classroom project
- Everyone's Resource Depot (UMF) - A great resource for free or low-cost materials
- McKinney Vento 101 - Homeless Education for School Staff (SY20/21)
Professional Development:
- Request to update placement on the salary scale
- Recertification and Renewal Resources
- Graduate Programs in Education - UMF
- Mt. Blue Regional School District YouTube Professional Development Channel
Evaluation Information:
- Ed Tech Job Descriptions / Evaluations ** updated 11/21/24 **
- Bus Garage / Maintenance Job Descriptions / Evaluations ** updated 11/21/24 **
- Secretary Job Descriptions and Evaluation Form ** updated 11/21/24 **
- Teacher Evaluation Handbook (Updated Fall 2022)
- Teacher Evaluation Intro Webinar
- STEM Teacher Leadership Video Showcase - Teacher evaluation and related lessons
Request Forms: