Scheduled School Hours - Clarification (9/6/20)
Categories: District, High SchoolSeptember 4, 2020
All of us at RSU 9 are excited to welcome students back to school next week.
Grades 6 - 12: Arrival from 7:45 to 8:15; school starts at 8:15; dismissal varies between 2:02 and 2:15 - refer to notice from your school.
Remote Learners 6-12 will follow the in person schedule remotely. Students please check your email and/or google classroom for specific teacher directions.
Grades K-5: Arrival from 9:00 - 9:30; school starts 9:30; dismissal starts at 3:12 - refer to notice from your school.
PreK classes start Sept. 14.
REMOTE LEARNING ACADEMY - Lessons start at 9:00am.