Franklin County Children's Task Force 123 Magic Parent Session
Plump Up the Turkey
Plump the Turkey is a fundraiser for the Wilton PTF where classrooms compete to raise the most money. Students bring in change, dollars and/or checks to place in their turkey decorated classroom bucket. The money will be counted at the end of the fundraiser. Read more
Fall Sports Wrap Up
Congratulations to all Fall Sports athletes and Coaches for representing Mt. Blue with a passionate competitive spirit during all competitions. We had approximately 200
students competing on the fields, race courses, and golf courses. Thanks also to all of you who came out to cheer on your classmates and create an enthusiastic positive
environment for all of our competitions. Read more
123 Magic Parent Sessions
RSU 9 is going to be hosting 123 Magic Parent sessions from the Children Task Force at CBS ON Monday, November 18, 25, and Dec 2nd. All parents in our district are invited to attend!
Sports Update
In light of the cancellation of all after-school activities on 11/5, the final day of girls' basketball tryouts will be held on 11/6 from 2:30 to 4:30 at MBHS. This will also push the boys' tryouts back a day.
MBMS News Broadcast
On October 28th, MBMS had its first student news broadcast air for this school year! The sixth grade broadcast club worked both behind the scenes and in front of the camera to make this happen. Check it out here!
RSU District Newsletter
Communication and involvement are key! Plus excited things happening in our classrooms! Read more
Homecoming Carnival
Friday Night at 7pm students who wear blue and gold can get into the football game for free! We will be having a raffle prize at half-time for students who earn tickets throughout the week Starting at 10am Saturday we will have a carnival during the home games for soccer and Field Hockey. There will be food offered to fundraise for all of our classes, a corn hole tournament, and more! We will have… Read more