
Health Notice #53 - May 26, 2021

May 26, 2021

Please review this Health Notice for updated information related to COVID-19 in RSU 9. A compilation of all Health Notices and a table with cumulative COVID-19 case counts across the district are available on the COVID-19 Information PageRead more

MBHS Student of the Month/Awards Assembly - Cohort B - Wednesday

May 25, 2021

Watch Mt. Blue High School Student of the Month/Awards Assembly for Cohort B on Wednesday, 5/26/21, Periods 1 & 2. Read more

MBHS Student of the Month/Awards Assembly - Cohort A

May 25, 2021

Watch Mt. Blue HS Student of the Month/Awards Assembly Cohort A today during periods 1 & 2 by RSU 9 Livestream on Read more

Health Notice #52 - May 24, 2021

May 24, 2021

Please review this Health Notice for updated information related to COVID-19 in RSU 9. A compilation of all Health Notices and a table with cumulative COVID-19 case counts across the district are available on the COVID-19 Information PageRead more

Virtual Orchestra Celebration

May 21, 2021

A virtual "Orchestra Celebration!" -

New virtual video, Spring 2021. Each year, the MBRSD Orchestra program presents a district-wide "Orchestra Celebration" at Mt. Blue Campus with all of the grade 4-12 orchestra students performing together! We really miss this fun concert, so we thought we'd try to do our best to create the experience in a virtual video! All of the… Read more

Health Notice #51 - May 18, 2021

May 18, 2021

Please review this Health Notice for updated information related to COVID-19 in RSU 9. A compilation of all Health Notices and a table with cumulative COVID-19 case counts across the district are available on the COVID-19 Information PageRead more

Health Notice #50 - May 13, 2021

May 13, 2021

Please review this Health Notice for updated information related to COVID-19 in RSU 9. A compilation of all Health Notices and a table with cumulative COVID-19 case counts across the district are available on the COVID-19 Information PageRead more

Optional COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics for Students Over Age 12

May 13, 2021

After notifying the RSU 9 school board on 5/11/21, we will be hosting optional vaccine clinics through Franklin Community Health Network (FCHN) for students age 12 and older at Mt.Blue Middle School and Mt.Blue High School. If you are interested in having your child participate, please review this letter from FCHN. Staff members from FCHN will be hosting a virtual Q&A via Zoom for families this… Read more

Health Notice #49 - May 11, 2021

May 11, 2021

Please review this Health Notice for updated information related to COVID-19 in RSU 9. A compilation of all Health Notices and a table with cumulative COVID-19 case counts across the district are available on the COVID-19 Information PageRead more

Health Notice #48 - May 8, 2021

May 8, 2021

Please review this Health Notice for updated information related to COVID-19 in RSU 9. A compilation of all Health Notices and a table with cumulative COVID-19 case counts across the district are available on the COVID-19 Information PageRead more