Virtual Orchestra Celebration

Categories: Academy Hill, Cape Cod Hill, Cascade Brook, District, G.D. Cushing, High School, Middle School, W.G. Mallett

May 21, 2021

A virtual "Orchestra Celebration!" -

New virtual video, Spring 2021. Each year, the MBRSD Orchestra program presents a district-wide "Orchestra Celebration" at Mt. Blue Campus with all of the grade 4-12 orchestra students performing together! We really miss this fun concert, so we thought we'd try to do our best to create the experience in a virtual video! All of the recordings were made during orchestra classes from late April to mid May, 2021. There are 33 individual class videos compiled in this virtual video. We are currently in a hybrid learning model, with approximately half of the student population rotating in and out of school basically every other day. We also have remote students that access orchestra through zoom district-wide in grades 4-12. These orchestra students are certainly not afraid to be awesome! YT link in the comments if you'd like to share that way. Thank you for making music a part of your lives! Enjoy! Sincerely, Mr. Muise and Mrs. Beacham

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