RSU 9 to start student meal delivery program
Categories: Academy Hill, Cape Cod Hill, Cascade Brook, District, G.D. Cushing, High School, Middle School, W.G. MallettJanuary 27, 2021
Mt. Blue Regional School District’s school nutrition program will begin weekday delivery of healthy meals to at home learners Monday, February 1. All at home learners (full-time remote or hybrid) are eligible for the no cost meal delivery program. Families will receive one lunch and one breakfast (for the next day) for each child registered with the program.
To register, families must provide a parent name, delivery address and phone number, names of children receiving meals, the days meals are requested, any food allergies, and any special delivery instructions. There are three ways to register - online, by email to, or by phone at 779-9720 between 7am and noon. More information is available on the school nutrition website at https://mtbluenutrition.