RSU 9 Pre-K and Kindergarten Registration - April 1st - May 14th
Categories: Cape Cod Hill, District, G.D. Cushing, W.G. MallettMarch 30, 2021
To be eligible for Kindergarten, children must be five years old on or before October 15, 2021; for Pre-K, children must be four years old on or before October 15, 2021. Students who are currently enrolled in one of the district’s Pre-K programs at Cushing or Mallett do not need to re-register for kindergarten. Students at Cape Cod Hill School will need to register for kindergarten, even if already enrolled in Pre-K.
Please call your school and they will have a registration packet for you to pick up. All registered families will be contacted to schedule appointments in late summer for in-person registration and screenings.
Cape Cod Hill School, New Sharon
Pre-K Registration: call Paula Hanley at 778-3031, Ext 4130
Please leave your name and number; Mrs. Handley will call you back as soon as possible.
Kindergarten: call Crystal Oliver at 778-3031, press the main office extension
Please leave your name; Mrs. Oliver will call you back as soon as possible.
Gerald D. Cushing School, Wilton
Call Lori LaPlant at 645-2442 for Pre-K and Kindergarten registration
Please leave your name and number; Mrs. LaPlant will call you back as soon as possible.
W. G. Mallett School, Farmington
Call Laurie Hastings at 778-3529 for Pre-K and Kindergarten registration
Please leave your name and number; Mrs. Hastings will call you back as soon as possible.