Course Registration Information

Categories: High School

February 3, 2025

Thursday students will be registering for next year's classes.  

Students should also keep in mind, as a first priority, to schedule all courses during their four years that are needed for graduation from Mt. Blue High School. Together students should consult with their parents, teachers, academic advisors, and their school counselor for assistance. When selecting courses, students should tentatively outline the remainder of their high school program.  Planning can ensure a meaningful program that reflects the student’s individual needs and increase their options upon graduation.  Careful planning will also help with:

  • Making sure that all graduation requirements are met
  • Ensure preparation for admission to college and other post-secondary programs/training opportunities
  • Developing additional interests
  • Gaining as many skills as possible while in high school
  • Focusing efforts on making post-secondary choices 

Planning Handout

Course of studies

Grade 9
Last Names A - Z
Ms. Anna Peterson
Phone - 778-3561 Ext. 4710
EMAIL MS. Peterson


Grades 10&11
Last Names A - L
Grades 12
Last Names A - J
Ms. Gerri L. Chesney
Phone - 207-778-3561 Ext. 4706
Email MS. Chesney

Schedule an appointment with MS. Chesney

Grades 10&11
Last Names M - Z
Grades 12
Last Names K-Z
Ms. Julie Talmage
Phone - 207-778-3561 Ext. 4707
Email MS. Talmage

Schedule an appointment with MS. Talmage


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