Climate Workshop

Categories: High School

March 11, 2025

Every year Mt. Blue hosts a workshop for our freshmen about the changing climate and its effect on the state of Maine. Experts come from different fields to present data and facts about the things Maine's environment affects (forests, wildlife, lakes, farms). They were also introduced to what is being done in Maine to help lessen the effects of climate change and help the people of Maine adapt to changing climate conditions. Some presenters represent private local businesses like Rustic Roots and Aurora Roofing and Solar. Others came from the State like the Maine Forest Service and the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife. There were speakers from the University of Maine at Farmington discussing current research. There were also local Legislators, Legislation Aids, and activists. These opportunities to apply learning to their town, state, and world help deepen our understanding of the science and how we can adapt and work together. Each year this event grows and we look forward to more partnerships with fieldwork and businesses in the future. 

A presenter show data about changing temperatures and Eastern Brook Trout

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