4th Quarter Student Learning Model Requests
Categories: Academy Hill, Cape Cod Hill, Cascade Brook, District, G.D. Cushing, High School, Middle School, W.G. MallettMarch 6, 2021
Dear RSU 9 Families,
If you would like to request a change to your student's learning model for the 4th Quarter (full remote to hybrid or hybrid to full remote) please call your school no later than 3:30pm on March 12th. We cannot accept changes after that time. All requests will be considered based on projected class sizes and we will do our best to honor all requests.
We also want to make you aware that during the 4th Quarter, there may be opportunities that allow for more in-person days. All safety requirements would still be enforced. We will keep you updated if any changes occur.
- Academy Hill School | 207-645-4488
- Cape Cod Hill School | 207-778-3031
- Cascade Brook School | 207-778-4821
- G.D. Cushing School | 207-645-2442
- Mt.Blue Middle School | 207-778-3511
- Mt.Blue Campus | 207-778-3561
- W.G. Mallett School | 207-778-3529