Welcome to the CCHS School Counseling Program!
My name is Mrs. Blair and I am the school counselor here at Cape Cod Hill School. I believe all students can learn and achieve success in the areas of academic, career and social emotional development when given support and equal opportunity to a great education. I believe all students are unique, and a learning environment needs to be provided where students are respected for their individual values and beliefs.
As part of a comprehensive school counseling program, school counselors provide direct services to students. The direct delivery of services will be in the form of classroom lessons, group and individual counseling.
Classroom Guidance Lessons- Every week, every grade level will participate in guidance class. Some topics that will be covered this year include, self-talk, being assertive, focusing attention, empathy, emotion management, and problem solving skills.
Individual Brief Counseling- I will work with children individually as needed to provide extra support based on specific needs to improve student outcomes. Students are able to ask to see me or they can be referred by teachers or parents/guardians.
Small group Counseling- I will be providing small group instruction throughout the year when needs become addressed. Small group instruction gives students an opportunity to work in small groups with people who may be going through similar situations. This gives students the opportunity to normalize experiences, reduce loneliness, and help process and learn new skills.
Please feel free to call or make an appointment to address any concerns you have about your child or the school counseling program at Cape Cod Hill School. There does not always need to be a concern to meet with the school counselor. Collaboration between everyone is important for student success. I look forward to working with you and your child/children.
School Counselor