Wilton Parent-Teacher Forum
The Wilton PTF embraces the concept of education as a partnership in learning. Education as a partnership in learning bridges and connects our schools, students and staff with the community; parents, service providers, businesses, and community members at large. We work cooperatively. We embrace the Vision, Mission Belief Statement adopted in April 1993 by our Wilton Schools and communities as a guideline for our common efforts together in the education of our children. Visit the Wilton PTF's Facebook page to learn more about their current events!
2024-2025 Officers:
President - Amanda Caruso
Vice President- Kristen Mazoki
Treasurers - Rhonda Schanck + Heidi Luce
Secretary - Phil Mazoki
Public Relations Chair - Kati Mills
Fundraising Chair - Jana Hornsby
Meetings are typically held on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:15PM at Cushing School in the library. Staff, parents, and family members of students attending both AHS and Cushing School are welcome. Upcoming meetings are scheduled for February 5, March 5, April 2, May 7, and June 4.