Principal's Message

Greetings  Mt. Blue Middle School Families~

 Welcome to the 2023-24 school year!  My name is James Black, and I am proud to be the  principal of Mt.Blue Middle School.  This summer, our teachers, secretaries, nurses, custodians, and other critical support staff have been diligently working to make MBMS clean and bright in order for students to learn in a safe, welcoming environment. I am looking forward to the new school year so I can welcome all students and families back as part of the MBMS family.  

Our school has approximately 500 students in 6th,7th and 8th grade.  At this level you will see many changes throughout the year physically, socially, and emotionally.  The staff at MBMS is very enthusiastic and dedicated to meeting the individual needs of all of our students especially during this trying time. 

At MBMS, the parents, teachers, and support staff are all part of a unified family working hard to ensure the safety and well-being of all students while providing them with a challenging and rewarding educational experience. As parents, you play an integral role as a part of this family in the education of your child. Your involvement in your child’s education will help them achieve more success and have a positive outlook on school.  Please be sure to visit our website and Facebook page to stay updated on events.  Get to know your child’s teacher and stay updated on classroom and school events.  Visitors are always welcome at MBMS, and I encourage you to stop in.  When visiting, please enter through the main doors, and obtain a visitor's pass in the office.

I am truly excited to lead the MBMS family and share this upcoming school year with you and your child.  I would love the opportunity to meet you, so please feel free to make an appointment with the main office.  Building a strong home-school partnership is important to me and vital to a student's successful educational journey.  As we all progress through this school year I would ask for patience and kindness along the way. Thank you for supporting MBMS as we embark on the 2023-2024 school year! 


James Black